August 8, 2004

  • Thought

    I just sent Basecamp a testimonial:

    “I’m lovin’ Basecamp and so are our clients!

    Not only does Basecamp provide the project transparency we think clients deserve, it also serves as a stunning example what a truly effective online application can achieve. We’ve found that, after using Basecamp, our clients are more interest in creating compelling experiences for their customers.”

  • Thought

    Ex Libris Anonymous has a gift idea for the person with everything:

    “the book journals are all made from recycled book covers. they are filled with about 75 sheets of 24/60# paper, which is a nice journaling or sketching paper. in the front cover of every book we retain any beautiful cover pages, illustrations, library cards, maps, inscriptions, or what-have-you found in the book (we find all kinds of beautiful stuff in these old books). and it’s all held together with a black plastic spiral.”

    Recommended despite the lack of capital letters!

March 21, 2003

  • Thought

    Given the war on Iraq, killer viruses, and “Orange Alerts”, many of you are probably looking to find reliable information fast. Certainly Newsworld and CNN can provide an instant visual fix, but there are times when you are not near a TV, or you’re looking for in-depth commentary, or alternate viewpoints from around the world.

    In all these cases, I suggest you temporarily set your browsers default homepage to Google News.

    If you haven’t discovered Google News yet, you’ll be surprised at the effectiveness of this service which automatically collects and sorts links from leading international news sites in near real-time.

    Of course there is no saying what will happen to your productivity if you do in fact check Google News every time your browser loads. Maybe a bookmark would be a better idea.

July 19, 2001

  • Thought

    PICTOPLASMA is a site that I’ve been meaning to mention here at imho*.

    The site is dedicated to illustrated characters and it is absolutely packed with some of the cleverest design you’ll see on the web. It’s great inspiration to do a bit more with design. Of course, the usability of Pictoplasma is atrocious as it is with most “arty” sites. Once you figure out how the site works I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll want on a T-Shirt. Hint: the Archives page you’ll want to hit first is NOT the yellowish ball marked “archive” but rather the yellowish ball ABOVE that yellowish ball.

    Here is a great example of what you’ll find there:

    Auflegen by Kabeljau_blum

July 13, 2001

  • Thought

    It’s just before lunch, so it’s time to check out one of my favourite personal sites This guy seems to have more hours in the day than the rest of us.

    DO NOT visit this site if you have anything useful to do in the next two hours.

    FYI, my “Ride The Pony” T-Shirt should be here any day now! (check out “How To Dance” for an explanation)