Seth and I Do The Technorati Dance

Seth Godin was nice enough to drop by this page a few days ago.

How do I know? FeedDemon and Technorati.

I subscribe to Seth’s Blog and read his feed using FeedDemon. Seth most likely subscribes to an RSS Feed from Technorati that tells him whenever someone posts something pointing to his site.

A few days ago I posted about Seth and just below it I provided some perspective on RSS as a marketing tool. When Seth followed my link to see what I said about him, he read my RSS post and pointed his readers to my post:

“It’s a tricky topic, but I’m going to start taking us through it over the next few weeks. Ken Schafer’s Blog is way ahead of me.”

And so Seth and I complete the Technorati two-step as I (one of Seth’s humble readers) am told to go visit my own site.

Note that, unlike a mailing list, I can’t “see” that Seth came and I don’t know if he has now subscribed to my RSS feed because you don’t get a subscriber list when you publish RSS. The only way I’ll know if Seth does subscribe is if he responds, say to the “Don’t Call It RSS” post below.

BUT, what are the chances that Seth would have subscribed to my newsletter had I posted my thoughts in that format instead?