Frank & Gordon Are Dead. Long Live Gordon & Frank

We here at One Degree have built a little cottage industry out of following the online adventures of Gordon & Frank.

As you may recall, the Bell Beavers first started appearing around Superbowl 2006. At the time I noticed that while Bell had built a custom site for their mascots and they had forgotten to register the transposed names — I pointed that domain to my One Degree post on the topic and within a few days we had a major story on our hands.

Rumour has it that word of this oversight and our coverage of it went all the way to Michael Sabia’s office.

Now we move to the next chapter.

It appears that a few weeks ago Bell decided that, since the awareness campaign for Frank and Gordon was over, the micro-site for their spokes-beavers was no longer required.

So they just took it down.

No redirects, no “sorry but we’re not here anymore”, no pointing it to the home page. Nothing. So it looks like it’s “Frank & Gordon Are Dead. Long Live Gordon & Frank”. now points to a new Frank and Gordon Category.

We promise we won’t overload you with Bell Beaver minutia but we will give you occasional updates on how the beavers are being used — particularly in an online context.

Originally published at on October 16, 2006.